July 2022 business meeting notes

15 Attendees
Held the meeting at Brian M’s house – THANKS Brian!
Black lab was a plus!
Talked about the Erie County Fair
– NAH will be in the Ag building with demos
– There is a 7 gallon pot and an induction burner with equipment for a brew in bag beer.
– Erie County Fair dates are August 10 (Wednesday after 12 noon) through August 22.
– Mark Z is doing brewing demo and lecture on that Saturday August 13
– Sean W will be there on Sunday the 14th.  
– Paul W. is doing brew lecture on Thursday the 18th at 6
– Contact Mark Z if you have time to make a beer or be at the booth for questions.
August Social – Thursday, August 11th 7pm  @ Gene McCarthy’s 
Last Social was at Steel leaf
– Brown ale was good
– Good space
– Gave a tour
That Dude Hates Cancer
 – People brewing please email Keith
– We want NAH to stay together
What are we doing with Trios
– Chopped Style
Location for meetings
– Santoras galleria beginning for the August 23rd meeting.
 – EDU for August TBD
Sept 24th – 44th annual UNYHA Homebrew Competition
– https://www.unyha.com/comp/
– Please sign up to judge or steward – UNYHA helps out at AWOG a lot!
– max 6 entries per person
– 3 bottles per entry
– $10 per entry
– Deadline is 9/14/22
– Niagara Traditions is a drop off location

Paul C gave a Kveik yeast educational piece.

June 2022 Business Meeting

June Meeting notes

1. July 14 is our monthly social. We voted last month to move it to Thursdays as most breweries are closed early in the week.The venue is Steel Leaf Brewing Company 4545 Transit Rd, Buffalo, NY 14221.  Corey Dudish is brewing there and is doing a terrific job! Let’s make sure that we show some good support!  There was also mention at the meeting to invite the brew goddesses. Anyone with contact info can either take it upon themselves to reach out or send me the best contact and I’ll take care of it.  ðŸ™‚
2. Mark Zambron is doing another terrific job at the Erie County Fair this year! I believe the window to participate, as a brewer, is between 8/10-8/23. (please correct me if I’m wrong, Doc. 🙂 Sean W. will be brewing on 8/14,  I’ll be doing a presentation comparing extract, partial mash, and all grain brewing on 8/18. Mark is doing a demo on 8/13. 
3. Thanks to all the gents who participated in the NHC this year! The slide show and recap were great! Thanks for putting that together, Brian M. Thanks to Todd for a little cool swag.  ðŸ™‚  Thanks Sean, for bringing some cool hops! Nice bonus!  The slide show should be up on the new website soon, if it isn’t already 🙂 Thanks, Keith!  

4. Thanks to John C. and Mark S. for a really cool comparison of ale yeasts and lager yeasts with a lager grain bill. The beers were REALLY tasty, too. 🙂  
5. On July 26 Paul C. will do a presentation on Kviek yeasts for our business meeting’s education component. 
6. Lastly, there has been a lot of contention about where our business meetings should take place. Some don’t care. For some, distance is a real factor. Some others think we should meet at a brew pub, if not a brewery. Some think that going back to hosting at different houses would be cool. Either way, our next business meeting will be hosted at the home of our generous generous, long time club member, Brian Milleville.Brian, would you please send out directions to your place?  Thanks!

AWOG 2022 Winners

Thanks to all who entered and everyone who volunteered. Our 26th year was another outstanding success!

Congratulations to all the winners who took home some amazing prizes thanks to our generous sponsors.

PLEASE NOTE: Score sheets and prizes were available at the awards banquet on Saturday, March 12 and most were distributed that evening.  Those who did not attend the banquet will receive their score sheets (and prizes, if applicable) in the next few weeks.  This competition is run entirely on volunteers and sorting/shipping will take place as soon as possible.  Your patience is appreciated.

Best of Show - Beer

Best of Show

Brian Marmoreo
King Paimon
Flanders Red Ale

2nd Best of Show

Brian Milleville
1st Try Trappist Single
Trappist Single

3rd Best of Show

Andrew Urban
Nessie’s Wee Draught
Wee Heavy

Best of Show - Mead and Cider

Best of Show

Ben Gilmore & Danae Gilmore
Tart Cherry Mead
Stone Fruit Mead

2nd Best of Show

Timothy Collins
Blueberry Lemoncello
Fruit and Spice Mead

3rd Best of Show

Bill Boyer
Being There – Hornindal Variant
New World Cider

American Light Lager

1st Place

Rob Sells
Pre-Prohibition Lager

2nd Place

Hermen Díaz
Slow Death
American Lager

International Pale Lager

1st Place

Hermen Díaz
Modelo Nada
International Pale Lager

2nd Place

Carmelo Medina Garcia
Experimental Beer

3rd Place

Carmelo Medina Garcia

Malty Light Lager

1st Place

Richard Romanko
Hells Yes
Munich Helles

2nd Place

Rob Sells
Tap Me When I’m Ready!!
Biere de Garde

3rd Place

Erik Reinheimer
2022 Festbier

Wheat Beer

1st Place

Jesse Boyle

2nd Place

Mike Eagan & Geoff Heusinger
Knaick’s Glorious Beard

3rd Place

Charles Macaluso

Bitter Pale Lager

1st Place

Mark Zambron
Windchill At Highmark
German Exportbier

2nd Place

Brian Milleville
Das Haus
German Pils

3rd Place

Bill Serowski
Slow Willy’s Dortmunder
German Exportbier

Malty Amber Lager

1st Place

Mark McQuade & Tamara McQuade
French Connection
Biere de Garde

2nd Place

Bill Serowski
The Slow Willy Marzen

3rd Place

Brian Marmoreo
Sam Hain
International Amber Lager

Bitter Amber Lager & Dark Lager

1st Place

Rick Felser & Bill Serowski
Redhead Ed

2nd Place

Chris Gable & John Halbleib
Half-Dark Pivo
Czech Amber Lager

3rd Place

Rob Sells
Altstadt Bier

Strong Lager

1st Place

Rob Sells
Ukraine’s Best Defense
Baltic Porter

2nd Place

Mark Zambron
Quarantine Buddy

3rd Place

Brian Milleville

British Pale & Brown Ale

1st Place

Jeffrey Rocker
Elliot’s Special Brew
Strong Bitter

2nd Place

Brandon Dellechiaie & Nick Lesogor
Brown Ale
English Brown Ale

3rd Place

Sam Tischler & Bob Charboneau
Bitte’ Baby
Best Bitter

American Pale Ale

1st Place

Mark Zambron
Heart of Glass
Blonde Ale

2nd Place

Mark Zambron
60 Year-Old Six Pack Abs
American Pale Ale

3rd Place

Michael Kanick
Hurley’s Apparatus
American Pale Ale

Belgian Ale

1st Place

Brian Milleville
1st Try Trappist Single
Trappist Single

2nd Place

Mark Zambron
River Meuse
Belgian Blond Ale

3rd Place

Brian Milleville
Average BPA
Belgian Pale Ale

Scottish Ale

1st Place

Andrew Urban
Nessie’s Wee Draught
Wee Heavy

2nd Place

John Crossett
Uncle Jonny’s Little Wee Wee
Wee Heavy

3rd Place

John Jacovetty & Judy Jacovetty
Lions Share
Irish Red Ale

American Amber & Brown Ale

1st Place

John Jacovetty & Judy Jacovetty
Kentucky Common

2nd Place

Dominque Burshnick & Donald Burshnick
Brown Out
American Brown Ale

3rd Place

Michael Persico
Brown Ale
American Brown Ale


1st Place

Rob Sells
Caribbean Dream
Tropical Stout

2nd Place

Paul Weisenburger
“Aye, Another Pint Please”
Irish Stout

3rd Place

Mark Scibilia
Willynilly Extra Stout
Foreign Extra Stout

Honorable Mention

Paul Callahan
Chocolate Thunda
American Stout


1st Place

Hermen Díaz
American Porter

2nd Place

Michael Ogden & Jeremy Ogden
Creek Bottom Porter
English Porter

3rd Place

John Crossett & Mark Zambron
Dabills Playoff Run Porter
American Porter

Imperial Stout

1st Place

George Kaufmann
The Center Of The Tootsie Pop
Imperial Stout

2nd Place

Timothy Collins
The Stout That Wasn’t Good Enough To Enter
Imperial Stout

3rd Place

Brian Milleville
2021 Throwdown
Imperial Stout


1st Place

Mike Eagan & Geoff Heusinger
The Eric Dickerson
Mixed-Style Beer

2nd Place

Erik Reinheimer
Highway West 4.0
American IPA

3rd Place

Jared Aumen
Punch You In the IPA
Belgian IPA

New England IPA

1st Place

Blayne Michael
London Befogged
New England IPA

2nd Place

Brian Milleville
Bomb Your Juice
New England IPA

3rd Place

Jay Brantley
Do You Even Haze?
New England IPA

British Strong Ale

1st Place

John Crossett
AWOG 25th Barelywine
English Barleywine

2nd Place

Rob Sells
Old And In The Way
Old Ale

3rd Place

Mark Scibilia
Liquid Goldings
English IPA

American Strong Ale

1st Place

Timothy Collins
Wheat “Wine”? I Thought You Said It Was A Beer!

2nd Place

Bill Serowski
The Very Troubled Brew
American Barleywine

3rd Place

Paul Weisenburger
Wild Wild West Coast
Double IPA

Pale Belgian Strong Ale

1st Place

Brian Marmoreo
Morning Star
Belgian Golden Strong Ale

2nd Place

Timothy Collins
I Love Westmalle
Belgian Tripel

3rd Place

John DePaulo & Jeff Murbach
Tess’ Damnation
Belgian Golden Strong Ale

Dark Belgian Strong Ale

1st Place

Brian Milleville
Juicy Fruit
Belgian Dark Strong Ale

2nd Place

Len Modelewski
Belgian Dubbel
Belgian Dubbel

3rd Place

Joe Belevender
Young Crowley
Belgian Dark Strong Ale

Fruit Beer

1st Place

Ian Calder
Don’t Rinse With The Spit Pitcher
Fruit and Spice Beer

2nd Place

Adam Carter
Fruit Beer

3rd Place

Michael Kanick
Pearl’s Hot Dish
Fruit and Spice Beer

Spiced Beer

1st Place

Thomas Sirgey
My Other Brother Thor
Winter Seasonal Beer

2nd Place

Rick Felser
Winter Campfire Vanilla Stout #2
Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer

3rd Place

Timothy Collins
MIS: Mexican Imperial Stout
Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer

Honorable Mention

Joseph Borzynski
Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer

Smoked & Wood Age Beer

1st Place

Chris Gable & John Halbleib
Fire On the Mountain
Piwo Grodziskie

2nd Place

NAH Club Vince Barrel
Club Barelywine Vince
Wood-Aged Beer

3rd Place

Steve Badman
Drunken Husky Harry Porter
Specialty Smoked Beer

Sour Beer

1st Place

Brian Marmoreo
King Paimon
Flanders Red Ale

2nd Place

Sean Eagen

3rd Place

Sam Tischler

Wild Beer

1st Place

Bob Charboneau & Deron Weet & Steve Schaefer
Welcome To Cherry Town
Wild Specialty Beer

2nd Place

Sam Tischler
Saskatoon Sour
Wild Specialty Beer

3rd Place

Andrew Zwack
Murray, Present, Brett, Present
Brett Beer


1st Place

Bill Boyer
Being There – Hornindal Variant
New World Cider

2nd Place

John Crossett & ABCZ Group
New World Cider

3rd Place

Bill Boyer
He Who Controls the Mulled Spice
Cider with Herbs/Spices

Traditional Mead

1st Place

Ben Gilmore & Danae Gilmore
Lehua Blossom
Semi-Sweet Mead

2nd Place

Keith Curtachio
Buzz Off
Sweet Mead

3rd Place

Timothy Collins
Buckwheat Mead 17
Semi-Sweet Mead

Fruit Mead

1st Place

Ben Gilmore & Danae Gilmore
Tart Cherry Mead
Stone Fruit Mead

2nd Place

Kyle Ducharme
Pyment’s Due Volume Two

3rd Place

Ryan Vigne
Blood To Bleed

Spice Mead

1st Place

Timothy Collins
Blueberry Lemoncello
Fruit and Spice Mead

2nd Place

Ben Gilmore & Danae Gilmore
Nord Mead
Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead

3rd Place

Timothy Collins
Royal Jelly
Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead

Specialty Mead

1st Place

Keith Curtachio
Beequila Resposada
Experimental Mead

2nd Place

Bill Boyer
Bridge of Death – Bourbon
Experimental Mead

3rd Place

Ben Gilmore & Danae Gilmore
Blueberry Pancake
Experimental Mead

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